EAN kod8595568935090
Tarifni broj73269098
Težina0,0145 kg/kom
Površinska obradaNon electrolytic plating Geomet
Širina20 mm
Visina19,5 mm
Promjer otvora za ugradnju6 mm
Promjer vodiča16 mm
Upotrebasingle-sided clamps
Funkcionalnost u požaruP90-R, E90, PS90
Standardi otpornosti na vatruČSN 73 0895, DIN 4102-12, STN 92 0205
Maks. opterećenje za vatrootpornost
is determined by the weight of the inserted cables

Clamps are fixed to the base material using SB 6.3X35 concrete bolts. To the aerated concrete using KHP + SB 6.3X45 dowels, into the sheet metal using the STP 4.2X13 screw. Two 6706 - 6720 clamps may be placed under one screw and in this way a line for two cables is created.

Note for system with maintained functionality in fire:
To fix the connection use the concrete screw SB 6.3x35.
You find more information in the catalogue Systems with maintained functionality in fire.

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